GENERAL: Each student must write and submit a PROJECT REPORT worth a maximum of

Each student must write and submit a PROJECT REPORT worth a maximum of 50 points. You
will all be provided with a TOPIC, which takes the form of a common manufactured product. You
must visually analyze your particular product and write a report about how you think it is made.
This involves “dissecting” the product and analyzing each component part. You must name the
sequence of processes that you think went into the creation of each part (starting from metal
ingot, ceramic lumps, and/or plastic granules). Any joining methods used to assemble the parts
must be included. Surface treatments (plating, coating, painting, anodizing etc., are NOT
Your report must be between 10 and 15 pages in length. Report must be in MSWord and
submitted as a .docx file. Name your file exactly as follows: For example, if your name is John
Brown, the file name would be BrownJ F24.docx Use 8-1/2’x11″ paper (electronic) and 12
point font size (1.5 line spacing) for general text. Margins are to be no bigger than 1″ top and
bottom, and 3/4″ on the sides. The report must be a ~50/50 mix of text and diagrams. The report
must be individual work. The report and ideas therein must be original. File size MUST be kept
below 10 MB. Larger files will not be accepted (score of ZERO). Submissions can be made
from 11:59 pm on Sunday 11/24/24, with a final deadline of 11:59 pm on Tuesday 11/26/24.
There will be penalties if you violate any of the above formatting rules. Your report will be run
through TURNITIN plagiarism software – you must use your own words or your report will not
be accepted.
Clarification 1: DON’T INCLUDE references in your report
Clarification 2: Online searches are intended to find visual information on your topic
product and all its components. IT IS NOT to find out how each part is made. You are
expected to speculate, based on the class material, how you think each part is made,
using visual clues and knowledge about materials involved.
Clarification 3: DO NOT EXPLAIN how each process works. But you MUST EXPLAIN
why you think each part was made by the process(s) you attribute to its creation
To avoid some of you having a brain freeze over what is expected in the report, here is
further explanation. It’s really simple. I just want you to prove to me that you can relate
the class material to real-world parts. So, here is what I expect:
1 – Go online and find a photo(s) of your assigned topic product OR take your own
photos if you physically have the product.
2 – Go online and find a PARTS DIAGRAM – one that shows every part in the
product OR take the product apart and take your own photos if you physically have the
product. Number each part in the diagram if not already numbered.
3 – Create a document that includes the Product Photo(s) from Step 1 first, followed by
the Parts Diagram from Step 2 next.
4 – Then include a PICTURE of every unique part (identified by its number in the parts
diagram), and alongside include a sequence of the process names (in the correct order)
involved in making that part (starting from ingot). You determine which processes are
needed by visually inspecting each part and deducing the processes involved by clues
(material, size, physical appearance, etc.), and comparing those clues to the knowledge
base I gave you in the class lectures. Include the clues you used to make your
decisions along with the sequence of process names
5 – Each product topic has between 10 and 20 unique parts, each of which involves
several processes – so you should have no problem filling up at least 10 pages.
Remember to include parts within parts (example: the parts inside a ball-race bearing)
5 – Use the formatting rules I posted already, such as margins, fonts, 50/50 text picture
ratio, number of pages, file size, file name etc. Anything I didn’t specify is up to you.
Make report look professional – looks do matter – include a nice cover page with
appropriate title, date, affiliations, background/image.
6 – Don’t waste space with references to online sources, or indexing. i.e. DON’T include
any references or Contents sheets, or Lists of Figures, etc
I have Uploaded examples of speed reducer that is used for electric motors and its internal gears only ( there are more parts included in the electric motor that is not shown in the pictures and they need to be addressed in the report and how is these parts are created whether forged, casted, rolled, milled or drilled using which machines and tools ) For example how is the shaft created and how is the gears and external plate are created . the report idea state each part in the electric motor and number then correctly and write about these component how it is manufactured from the ingot to the final view. Each part need to be numbered and mentioned in the report

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