Compare screening tools from USPSTF to the City Health Bulletin (CHI). Read the

Compare screening tools from USPSTF to the City Health Bulletin (CHI). Read the Full Recommendation: USPSTF recommendation for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Elder Abuse and Abuse of Vulnerable Adults: Screening. Then, choose 1 screening test recommended by the USPSTF for screening for IPV and review the details of that particular screening test.
Here is the link to the website/ article pertaining to the screening tools:
Read the City Health Information (CHI) brochure from NYC Department of Health Intimate Partner Violence: Encouraging Disclosure and Referral in the Primary Care Setting. Focus on the CHI approach to screening for IPV.
Compare the screening tool in the CHI brochure with the tool you chose from the USPSTF. Analyze and justify your opinion about which is better and which you will use in your practice? Why?
Write a 1-2 page opinion paper about your comparison of these two tools. Cite the tools, but be specific about your personal opinions and how you justify your position. Be sure to indicate which tool you reviewed (from the USPSTF guideline) and provide the tool in an appendix (you may cut and paste the tool and provide a citation). Explain whether you would be inclined to use the tool in the CHI brochure or the one you reviewed from the USPSTF Guideline in your clinical practice? Discuss why you chose that tool, making comparisons between the two. Utilize the correct APA format for document, citations, appendix, and reference list. Please stay within the 1- 2 pages/ approx. 500 words guidelines for the body of the paper (title, references, and appendix may be additional).

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