Please edit and revise as needed ensure all instructions and criteria has been m

Please edit and revise as needed ensure all instructions and criteria has been met with detail and precision.
Additional feedback to include in edit:
-***Including national trends with supporting data. Cost, prevalence etc.*** Expand on this supporting data, cost, prevalence, etc.
QI Model to Guide a Hypothetical Implementation for the Proposed Intervention
-Please use the following article to mention & identify PDCA as the four steps/phases of the PDSA.
-Create PDSA/PDCA model and place in appendix
The Steps Needed to Apply the QI Model to Improve the Practice Issue
-Identify P-D-C-A steps
One QI Tool That Could be Used in the Process
-Add the following source ( as a citation use.
-Create Fishbone model and place in appendix
There is a STRICT 5 page maximum. It seems like we are almost at 6 pages excluding a Title Page, Reference page, and appendices. Please cut down closer to 5 pages.
Students apply a selected quality improvement or safety model to the clinical issue and intervention that was selected for the evidence review assignment.
Maximum 5 pages excluding title page, reference page(s), and any appendices.
Describe the quality or patient safety issue related to the aging adult why does this practice issue need to be addressed? Include the scope of the problem including national trends with supporting data. (15 points) Cost, prevalence etc.
For your selected quality or patient safety issue describe the EBP intervention identified in the evidence review. Discuss recommendations for improving practice for the aging adult based on your evidence review. (20 points)
***For Criterion 2, describe the EBP intervention you identified in the EBP synthesis assignment including the recommendations of how this EBP intervention will improve care for the specific quality/safety issue. Focus on the one best practice you identified vs. including all 5 articles.***
Select a QI model to guide a hypothetical implementation of the proposed intervention. Provide rationale for your selection of the QI model. (10 points)
Describe in detail the steps needed to apply the QI model to improve the practice issue. (20 points)
Describe one QI tool that could be used in the process. Provide rationale for selection. (10 points)
Describe strategies to integrate interprofessional disciplines into the improvement process. (15 points) ***Module 5***
Use of APA format for paper and reference list. (10 points)

Criteria for each section:
-Describe the quality or patient safety issue related to the aging adult why does this practice issue need to be addressed? Include the scope of the problem including national trends with supporting data from the literature (e.g. significance, incidence, prevalence, and/or cost): Complete and accurate descriiption of the quality or patient safety issue. Provides thorough discussion of national trends with supporting data from the literature.

– For your selected quality or patient safety issue describe the EBP intervention identified in the evidence review. Discuss recommendations for improving practice for the aging adult based on your evidence review: EBP intervention and recommendations for improving practice for the older adult based on the evidence review are completely and accurately described and supported by the literature.

– Select a QI model to guide a hypothetical implementation of the proposed intervention. Provide rationale for your selection of the QI model: Appropriate QI model selected. Supported with complete rationale, supported by the literature.

– Describe in detail the steps needed to APPLY the QI model to improve the practice issue. Discuss what would happen in each step including but not limited to descriiption of intervention and setting, composition of the interprofessional team, use of quality tools, expected outcomes: Correctly identifies and describes in detail the steps to APPLY the identified model/process.

– Describe one QI tool that could be used in the process. Provide rationale for selection: Appropriate QI tool is selected for identified step in the process. Tool is described in full and appropriate rationale is provided and supported by the literature.

– Describe strategies to integrate interprofessional disciplines into the improvement process. Uses Module 5 course materials to support: Module 5 course materials used to correctly identify and describe role of interprofessional disciplines in QI process.

– Format and Style MAXIMUM of 5 pages excluding title page, reference page(s) and any appendices (optional). Adheres to APA formatting (7th ed.) Sources clearly and specifically support cited sentences. Uses headings.

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