In Assignment 1, you will be crafting an argument to defend your project choi

In Assignment 1, you will be crafting an argument to defend your project choice as one that would be a suitable choice for addressing issues of relevance to EEBDM. One way to think about the project (for framing purposes) is as follows: Imagine you are pitching your project to your program director, boss, or someone else. That person tells you the project sounds interesting but is not sure it would really require the use of EEBDM. You are going to craft an argument that explains why it does. Another way to think about this is as a project where you will need to use evidence to make a specific decision (or recommendation to a decision-maker, if you yourself would not be the decision-maker). This is an opportunity to explain to someone (e.g., your boss, your co-worker) why your project would require the use of EEBDM.  
Once you have a project in mind, you should construct your assignment, following the steps listed below. You may review Assignment Example 1
Actions and Assignment Example 2Actions for guidance, though the assignment instructions have been revised somewhat since those assignments were submitted.
Step 1: Identify a project you will complete in the future that will require you to make a whether, which, or when decision once that future project has been completed. 
Step 2: Construct a brief introduction to the topic/project (scene-setting around the issue that needs to be addressed and why, what your interest in it, etc.), so your instructor has a frame of reference for evaluating your argument. Note: This is required to ensure the instructor can provide you with relevant feedback.  
Step 3. Construct your decision statement using the following format: My project will allow me to decide [whether/which/when] to… 
Step 4. Identify reasons why the decision you identified in Step 3 would benefit from applying EEBDM (e.g., because… and because…).   
Step 5. Begin constructing your argument map following the instructions provided in Mini-Lecture 1.4Links to an external site.. The argument map must be constructed using MindMup’s Argument Visualisation function.
Step 5a. Begin by constructing the claim (1.1), which should be as follows: Deciding [whether/which/when] to…will benefit from applying EEBDM.
Step 5b. Construct the first level (2.x) supportive premises (green brackets) that explain why your decision will benefit from applying EEBDM. Remember to ensure each box contains a single, complete declarative sentence that is written as simply as possible. These premises should explain why attention to ethics and evidence will benefit the decision. 
Step 5c. Construct any further sub-premises (3.x, 4.x, etc.) required to deepen your argument. Again, remember to ensure each box contains a single, complete declarative sentence that is written as simply as possible. These sub-premises should provide any necessary reasons why you chose what you did for the 2.x level (see example below).
Step 6. Select 3 topics from Week 2 (heuristics, biases, emotions, competence, motivated reasoning) that are relevant to your ability to make the decision specified in Step 3. 
Step 7. Explain why each of the three you selected in Step 6 are relevant to your decision (i.e., because… and because… and because…).
Step 8. Determine how to work each of the three into your argument and argument map. There are three possibilities:
As a part of supportive reasons for your argument (see 4.2 in the example map for where heuristic is used)
As an element of a rebuttal to your argument (see 4.4 and 4.5 in example map for where bias is used), but don’t forget to rebut the rebuttal (as also shown in the example map in 5.2)
As a sticky note for application purposes because it isn’t part of the formal argument but informs it (see the sticky note attached to 4.1 in the example map)
Step 9. Add sticky notes to relevant parts of your argument map to identify where course content informs your argument (see multiple examples in assignment example). Your argument map is required to include a minimum of 5 citations of course content.
Step 10. Finalize your map and download it as both a pdf and as an image (png or jpeg only) file (you must do each separately)
Step 11. Construct your assignment in Word using the format below.
Brief Introduction of Topic from Step 2. 
Decision Statement from Step 3. 
Argument Map embedded as an image file (downloaded in Step 10)
Explanation of why Deciding [whether/which/when] to…will benefit from applying EEBDM. This should be nothing but an explanation of the supportive reasons from your argument map, along with citations of course content where appropriate. 
Frame of Reference from Step 8. Simply list each one you chose and explain how it relates to your map, using citations of course content where appropriate.
References (APA-formatted references constructed using Citation MachineLinks to an external site.). You are required to have a minimum of 5 course-specific references that were also cited in the map and text.   
Step 12. Submit both the Word version from Step 11 AND the pdf of just the argument map (from Step 10) as the assignment documents. 

The Word document should be no more than 5 total pages of text written in Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced.
Note that the page maximum excludes title page, references, tables, and figures (including the argument map figure). Points may be deducted for failure to conform to the formatting requirements.
Grading will be done using the rubric found in Canvas. Your instructor will provide you feedback on the project you discuss so you can use that feedback to help you refine your thinking. Also, please minimize your use of direct quotations. Summarize and paraphrase and never quote complete sentences if at all possible.
An example map is provided below.
View RubricAssignment 1_10ptAssignment 1_10ptCriteriaRatingsPtsLogic and Argument3 ptsFully MeetsArgument map and supporting text generally meet the following: (1) argument map is structured properly, (2) reasoning possesses a sound, logical flow (and avoids reasoning that is off-topic or irrelevant), (3) reader is not left seeking more explanation for various topics discussed, and (4) appropriate evidence is used to argue key points.2.55 ptsSomewhat Meets (Plus)Argument map and supporting text possess minor issues with any of the following: (1) argument map is structured properly, (2) reasoning possesses a sound, logical flow (and avoids reasoning that is off-topic or irrelevant), (3) reader is not left seeking more explanation for various topics discussed, and (4) appropriate evidence is used to argue key points.2.25 ptsSomewhat Meets (Average)Argument map and supporting text possess consistent issues with any of the following: (1) argument map is structured properly, (2) reasoning possesses a sound, logical flow (and avoids reasoning that is off-topic or irrelevant), (3) reader is not left seeking more explanation for various topics discussed, and (4) appropriate evidence is used to argue key points.1.8 ptsSomewhat Meets (Minus)Argument map and supporting text possess recurring major problems in one of the following: (1) argument map is structured properly, (2) reasoning possesses a sound, logical flow (and avoids reasoning that is off-topic or irrelevant), (3) reader is not left seeking more explanation for various topics discussed, and (4) appropriate evidence is used to argue key points.0 ptsDoes Not MeetArgument map and supporting text possess recurring major problems in several of the following: (1) argument map is structured properly, (2) reasoning possesses a sound, logical flow (and avoids reasoning that is off-topic or irrelevant), (3) reader is not left seeking more explanation for various topics discussed, and (4) appropriate evidence is used to argue key points./ 3 ptsCompleteness & Depth3 ptsFully MeetsThe assignment covers all required topics specified by the assignment and does so in sufficient detail and depth, applying concepts from the course to address the elements of the assignment.2.55 ptsSomewhat Meets (Plus)The assignment covers all required topics specified by the assignment and does so in mostly sufficient detail and depth, with only isolated issues applying concepts from the course to address the elements of the assignment.2.25 ptsSomewhat Meets (Average)The assignment covers all required topics specified by the assignment but lacks detail or depth in several areas, including in applying concepts from the course to address the elements of the assignment.1.8 ptsSomewhat Meets (Minus)The assignment fails to cover all required topics specified by the assignment or provides major deficiencies in terms of detail or depth, which may include applying concepts from the course to address the elements of the assignment.0 ptsDoes Not MeetThe assignment fails to cover several required topics./ 3 ptsMastery of Course Content4 ptsFully MeetsAssignment includes (1) appropriate use of key terms/concepts from the course, (2) clear demonstration of required number of course sources (i.e., citations of sources), and (3) sufficient explanation to demonstrate mastery.3.4 ptsSomewhat Meets (Plus)Assignment possesses minor deficiencies in one or more of the following: (1) appropriate use of key terms/concepts from the course, (2) clear demonstration of required number of course sources (i.e., citations of sources), and (3) sufficient explanation to demonstrate mastery.3 ptsSomewhat Meets (Average)Assignment possesses consistent deficiencies in one of the following: (1) appropriate use of key terms/concepts from the course, (2) clear demonstration of required number of course sources (i.e., citations of sources), and (3) sufficient explanation to demonstrate mastery.2.4 ptsSomewhat Meets (Minus)Assignment possesses consistent deficiencies in two of the following: (1) appropriate use of key terms/concepts from the course, (2) clear demonstration of required number of course sources (i.e., citations of sources), and (3) sufficient explanation to demonstrate mastery.0 ptsDoes Not MeetAssignment possesses consistent deficiencies in all three of the following: (1) appropriate use of key terms/concepts from the course, (2) clear demonstration of required number of course sources (i.e., citations of sources), and (3) sufficient explanation to demonstrate mastery./ 4 ptsTotal Points: 0
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